Janam patri

The most remarkable features of this marvelous astrological software is its VERY ACCURATE and IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS and FORECASTS ON ALL FACETS OF HUMAN LIFE.

General Predictions

Predictions on:

Yogas (combinations of planets)
Marriage Related Predictions
General & Mental Characteristics
Health & Disease
Parts of Body and their functions
Tours, Travels Journeys — For Pleasure Profit
Graha Ratna (planetary gemstone)

Predictions from Ashtaka Varga
Prediction from KCD
Results of all types of Dashas( periods of human lives)

All sorts of charts, calculations and horoscope casting is there, obviously.

Occult Observation

Life Tree

Also included are two separate modules on:

TRANSITS of Planets &

MARRIAGE MATCH-MAKING Extract the crack files to the app dir and overwrite everything....

how to;-
copy GunMilan.exe, Horoscope.exe & Varshaphala.exe from the app dir to the desktop (i.e. make shrtcuts). Run Horoscope.exe from desktop...

At START NAG enter your name, organization and any password.
Press OK, and your apps are now fully regged!



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